Our trainee pastor at Banstead Community Church has just finished his first of two years with us.

The focus of our training programme is not what you’d learn at a theological college (e.g. Biblical Studies, Doctrine, Church History & Apologetics and so on), but rather on the local church and how to pastor and preach. We aim to teach the trainee pastor about these things through a mixture of reading, lectures, discussion, observation, and practical ministry experience.

Here’s a rundown of what he got up to during the first year of training with us:

Reading Assignments

Produce an outline of each chapter; noting down any particular highlights, any questions or points of clarification; and personal applications.


The Heart of the Church (Joe Thorn) The Character of the Church (Joe Thorn) The Life of the Church (Joe Thorn) Independent Churches (John Stevens ed.) Sojourners and Strangers (Greg Allison) The Church (Ed Clowney) Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (Mark Dever) The Deliberate Church (Mark Dever & Paul Alexander) Center Church (Tim Keller) Gospel DNA (Richard Coekin) Church Planting is for Wimps (Mike McKinley)


On Pastoring (H.B. Charles Jr) On being a Pastor (Derek Prime & Alistair Begg) The Pastor’s Ministry (Brian Croft) The New Pastor’s Handbook (Jason Helopoulus) Portraits of a Pastor (Jason Allen ed.) Shepherd’s after my own heart (Timothy Laniak) The Reformed Pastor (Richard Baxter) The Christian Ministry (Charles Bridges) The Imperfect Pastor (Zack Eskwine) The Pastor’s Justification (Jared Wilson) Dangerous Calling (Paul Tripp) Dear Timothy (Tom Ascol ed.)


Word-Centered Church (Jonathan Leeman) The Priority of Preaching (Christopher Ash) Preaching and Preachers (Martyn Lloyd-Jones) The Supremacy of God in Preaching (John Piper) Folly, Grace, and Power (John Koessler) Preaching Pure and Simple (Stuart Olyott) Christ-Centered Preaching (Bryan Chappell) Preaching (Tim Keller) Between Two Worlds (John Stott) On Preaching (H.B. Charles Jr) Preach (Mark Dever & Greg Gilbert) Unashamed Workmen (Rhett Dodson ed.) Cutting to the Heart (Chris Green)


Progress (Adrian Reynolds) How Sanctification works? (David Powlison) The Hole in our Holiness (Kevin DeYoung) Holiness (JC Ryle) Devoted to God (Sinclair Ferguson) Cruciform (Jimmy Davis) The Pastor’s Soul (Brian Croft & Jim Savastio) Do More Better (Tim Challies) Reset (David Murray) The Art of Rest (Adam Mabry) Zeal without Burnout (Christopher Ash) Spiritual Depression (Martyn Lloyd-Jones) The Pastor’s Family (Brian & Cara Croft) Spurgeon’s Sorrows (Zack Eskwine)


Produce an outline of the talk; noting down any particular highlights, any questions or points of clarification; and personal applications.

Pastoral Ministry

Pastoral Theology Course (taught by Tom Ascol) Pastors’ Talk (discussions between Mark Dever & Jonathan Leeman) Dynamics of Pastoral Care (course from Crosslands)


Fundamentals of Expository Preaching (taught by John MacArthur & Steve Lawson) Mechanics of Expository Preaching (taught by Steve Lawson) The Necessity and Challenge of Expository Preaching (taught by Mike Bullmore)
