Powerpoint Pictures: Picture of a Present

*Have a bag/sack filled with presents/sweets prepared in advance.*

*Go up to the children or some of the children in the congregation, taking out a present/sweet, and say to them “Would you like this?”  I’m assuming that all the children will take it out of your hand.*

Repeat 4/5 times or if time until all the children have received a present or sweet.

What should we be doing this Christmas?

That’s the question we’ve been thinking about, and we’ve seen how each of the Gospel writers each give a different answer.

Matthew says Recognise.  Recognise that Jesus is the promised son of David, the King who will rule for ever; and the son of Abraham, the Saviour who would bring blessing to the whole world.

Mark says Repent.  Admit that you need God to save you from your sins.

Luke says Rejoice.  Because for those who need saving, there is a real Saviour who has come to rescue us from our sins.

But there is still one more final thing we must do this Christmas, and John tells us what this is.

“Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” (John 1:12)

John says Receive.

Do what the children [you] did when I gave you those presents!

Accept the rescue Jesus offers by trusting Him to save you from your sins.

If you do that, you will have the amazing right to call yourself a child of God, part of God’s family with all the privileges this brings.

This Christmas, one of the most important things we can do is receive.

Receive Jesus.