The Lord’s Prayer (Part 4) – What do we call God?

Powerpoint Pictures: Queen Elizabeth II; Judge; Headteacher Sign; Donald Trump

Suppose you needed to speak to the following people.  How would you address them?  How would you refer to them?

Queen Elizabeth II? *[Your Majesty]*

Judge? *[Your Honour/Your Worship]*

Headteacher? *[Sir, Miss]*

Donald Trump? *[Mr President]*

How do you address God when you begin a prayer?

What does Jesus say?

Jesus says…

“This, then, is how you should pray: “Our Father in heaven…” (Matthew 6:9)

He says we are to address God as “Our Father in heaven.”

This is a wonderful way to begin our prayers because it reminds us of two things about God.

  1. He is willing to hear our prayers.

Our Father tells us that God cares about us.  He loves us as His children.  He is interested in us and wants to hear from us.  He really likes it when we come to Him and tell Him in prayer that we love Him; we are sorry for our sins; we are grateful to Him for sending Jesus to save us; we want Him to do this or that for us or for others.

When we pray to God as our Father it reminds us that God is willing to listen to our prayers.

But that’s not all.  We pray to “Our Father in heaven” which means…

  1. He is able to answer our prayers.