Powerpoint Pictures: Grand Canyon; Sunset; Question Mark; Football Goal; A Resume or CV; Orchestra

What makes you go “Wow!”?

The grandeur of creation.

The beauty of creation.

An incredible fact  – like it rains diamonds on Jupiter and Saturn.

A wonder goal scored.

A person’s achievements.

A moving piece of music.

Every year during this period of advent, we should be amazed, filled with wonder, go wow!

It’s what Mary, the mother of Jesus, did.

After hearing from an angel that she had found favour with God, and was pregnant with a son who will be great and called the Son of the Most High, and will reign as King for ever, she responds: “How will this be?” Mary asked the angel.”

She was filled with wonder.


Not only because she was a virgin [meaning the baby did not have a human father] but because her baby was the Son of God.

This is the most astonishing and incredible event in all of human history – it’s no surprise that she was filled with wonder – she was going to give birth to a baby who is God!

And we should never stop going “wow!” when we remember this.

So this advent, *“May you be filled with the wonder of Mary”* as you remember that God took on flesh and became a baby to save us.