Powerpoint Pictures: Usain Bolt

This morning I have some good news for you.

I have brought with me a bag of sweets, and if you like one, all you need to do is come and get one from me.

It’s first come, first served so you’d better be quick, if you don’t want to miss out.

*[Encourage children/adults to come and pick up a sweet or little bag of sweets]*

Now some of you children, after hearing that sweets were on offer, got your Usain Bolt on. There was no dawdling. You came as quick as you could, just like a group of shepherds did, when they heard some good news that was far better than sweets being available.

After the shepherds heard the incredible news that a Saviour who could rescue them from their sins had been born, we’re told that, “they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger.” (Luke 2:16).

They went to find out if this news was true as quickly as they could.

By doing so, the shepherds show us how we are to act in response to the good news of Christmas.

With eagerness.

Eagerness because how we respond to Jesus, whose birth we remember at Christmas, determines where we will spend eternity.

In heaven or in hell.

Nothing is more important than finding out the truth about Jesus and then trusting Him to be your Saviour.

So this advent, *“May you be filled with the eagerness of the shepherds”* and find out how Jesus can save you and then trust Him to.