The Big Read – Song of Songs

Powerpoint Pictures: Flock of Sheep; Temple; Family; Human Body; Bride

What do these four things have in common?

A flock of sheep.  The temple.  A family.  A human body.


They are all images that the Bible uses to describe the church.

There’s another image the Bible also uses, which is that of a bride.

The image of a bride points us to how much God loves His people, how much Christ (the bridegroom) loves the church (His bride).

In fact, there’s a whole book in the Bible about how much Christ loves His people and that book is the Song of Songs.

Song of Songs uses the image of the Lover and His beloved, or a Bridegroom and His bride to teach about how Christ loves us and how we should love Him in return so that we can say “My lover is mine and I am his.” (Song of Songs 2:16).

So Song of Songs is about how Christ loves us and how we should love Him in return.

But there’s something else it teaches us, and that’s the more we learn about Christ and His love for us, the more it should cause us to love Him in return, and the more we do, the more like Him we become.

One of the big reasons we meet together every Sunday is to do what Song of Songs tells us to do, and that’s to learn more about Jesus and how much He loves us and encourage each other to love Him more and more.