Short prayers based on the book of Ruth

Ruth 1:1

<aside> ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป โ€œDuring the time of the judges, there was a famine in the land. A man left Bethlehem in Judah with his wife and two sons to stay in the territory of Moab for a while.โ€ (Ruth 1:1)

Our Father, when faced with trials and difficulties, we confess it is so easy for us to make decisions without considering you and what your Word says. Forgive us for when we take matters into our own hands and do what is right in our own eyes. Help us instead to trust you in all things by following your commands, and as we do would you make our paths straight. Amen.


Ruth 1:5

<aside> ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป โ€œAfter they lived in Moab about ten years, both Mahlon and Chilion also died, and the woman was left without her two children and without her husband.โ€ (Ruth 1:5)

Father, all of us know the pain of loss and experience suffering because we live in a fallen world. There will be times when we stand beside a grave and weep. Thank you that you are aware of all our needs and you care for us, and that we are not alone as you have promised to be with us in every circumstance that we face. Knowing that a day is coming when suffering will be no more and Jesus will wipe away every tear from our eyes, may we overflow with hope as we trust in Him. Amen.


Ruth 1:6

<aside> ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป โ€œShe and her daughters-in-law set out to return from the territory of Moab, because she had heard in Moab that the Lord had paid attention to his peopleโ€™s need by providing them food.โ€ (Ruth 1:6)

Our Father in heaven, give us today our daily bread. It is a great comfort to know that you are the God who provides, and you do graciously provide what your people need. Help us not to forget that it is you who provides even our most basic needs, the food we have to eat each day, and help us to be thankful. Amen.


Ruth 1:16

<aside> ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป โ€œBut Ruth replied: Don't plead with me to abandon you or to return and not follow you. For wherever you go, I will go, and wherever you live, I will live; your people will be my people, and your God will be my God.โ€ (Ruth 1:16)

Father, we long for members of family, those we love, who have not yet repented of their sins and believed in Jesus Christ, to be able to say โ€œyour people will be my people, and your God will be my God.โ€ We plead with you to open their blind eyes and deaf ears, and replace their heart of stone with a heart of flesh, so that they may respond to the gospel and be saved. Amen.


Ruth 1:20

<aside> ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป โ€œDonโ€™t call me Naomi. Call me Mara,โ€ she answered, โ€œfor the Almighty has made me very bitter.โ€ (Ruth 1:20)

We confess, Lord, that there are times when we wonder whether you are against us. When we go through hard times or difficult trials, we ask โ€œWhy is this happening?โ€ and allow bitterness, discouragement, and despair to creep into our hearts. Forgive us for doubting your goodness. Give us the strength and faith to believe that you are with us and for us and will be faithful to us. For those going through experience right now, may they know your presence and help. Amen.


Ruth 2:3

<aside> ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป โ€œSo Ruth left and entered the field to gather grain behind the harvesters. She happened to be in the portion of the field belonging to Boaz, who was from Elimelech's family.โ€ (Ruth 2:3)

We praise you our God that you are great, vast in power, and your understanding is infinite. We praise you that there are no coincidences in our lives because you are working all things for the good of those who love you, to make us more like your Son. When we wonder what you are doing and find it hard to comprehend your purposes, or when we are going through a bitter providence, help us to trust your wisdom and not doubt your goodness to us. Amen.


Ruth 2:4

<aside> ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป โ€œLater, when Boaz arrived from Bethlehem, he said to the harvesters, โ€œThe Lord be with you.โ€ โ€œThe Lord bless you,โ€ they replied.โ€ (Ruth 2:4)

What a comfort it is our Lord, to know that you are with us. You have promised to be with your people always until the very end of the age, and we thank you that we can be sure that you are with us now by your Spirit. We thank you that you are with us to bless us. To bless us with forgiveness for our sins. To bless us with protection from the world, the devil, and even our own sinful nature. To bless us with provision, both our daily bread and all we need to endure to the end. Lord, we give your our thanks. Amen.


Ruth 2:12

<aside> ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป โ€œMay the LORD reward you for what you have done, and may you receive a full reward from the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings you have come for refuge.โ€ (Ruth 2:12)

Great God, help us to live each day aware that, because we have put our trust in Christ, you have taken us under the shadow of your wings. We praise you for this reality, and knowing this, we ask that you would take away any fears, anxieties, and worries we may have because of what is going on in our lives and in this world. Thank you that you are our refuge and strength, and an ever-present help in all of lifeโ€™s circumstances. Amen.


Ruth 2:15

<aside> ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป โ€œWhen she got up to gather grain, Boaz ordered his young men, "Let her even gather grain among the bundles, and don't humiliate her.โ€ (Ruth 2:15)

Our Father in heaven, we thank you for your goodness. You are good to all you have made. You provide for our needs in many varied ways, both ordinary and extraordinary. Give to us today our daily bread. We confess that we are prone to forget that everything we have comes from you, and we fail to give you the thanks you are due. Forgive us we pray, and help us to display the generosity you have shown to us by willing to share what you have given to us. Amen.


Ruth 2:20