Powerpoint Pictures: Child stick out tongue; Child taking chocolate cake; Cheating on a test; Child whisper in ear of another child

If you brother or sister, or one of your friends, did the following – what should happen to them?

They were rude to you.  They stuck their tongues out at you.  They called you names.  They swore at you.

Or if they stole something or took something they knew they weren’t allowed to have.

Or if they were caught cheating on a test.  Copying what the person sitting next to them put down.

Or if they told a lie.

They should be told off.  They should be punished.

If someone does something wrong, they should not be allowed to get away with it.  If they did, you might say, “That’s not right!  That’s not fair!”

Now with the last two Big Questions we looked at, we learned about something that everyone is guilty of doing.

We are all guilty of sinning and committing idolatry.

Sin is rejecting or ignoring God in the world He created.  It is not being or doing what He requires in His law.

And idolatry is trusting in created things rather than the Creator.

Disobeying God.  Loving what He has made more than Him.  That is what we all have done.

What should God do about this?

Should He let us do whatever we like?  Should He let us carry on rejecting Him and ignoring Him?  Or should He punish us for this?

That’s what our next big question asks.  Let’s look at it now…

Q: Will God allow our disobedience and idolatry to go unpunished?

What does the Bible say?