Big Words that end in SHUN! –Propitia-SHUN
Powerpoint Pictures: Naughty Step; TV Ban; Detention Sign; Lines; Fine Ticket; Prison
There are a number of big words that sum up what the Bible teaches about what God has done for us, and it turns out that these words end in SHUN!
What happens when you break the rules at home? [Sit on the naughty step; TV ban]
What happens when you break the rules at school? [Detention; Lines]
What happens when you break the rules in this country? [Fine; Prison]
What happens when you break God’s rules? Like at home, school, in this country, if you break God’s rules you will be punished, and the punishment is to face God’s anger for all eternity in a place called hell.
How can this punishment be removed?
The big word salvation tells us that Jesus saves sinners from hell. But how does he do this? The big word incarnation tells us that in Jesus, God became like us to save us, and the big word substitution tells us that Jesus takes our place. But it is the next big word that ends in SHUN actually tells us how that punishment is removed.
Propitia-SHUN! Jesus takes God’s anger at us for us.
On the cross, Jesus faced God’s anger – the punishment we deserve because of our sin in our place.
“[God] loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins.” (1 John 4:10 ESV)
And because Jesus has taken the punishment, because Jesus has faced God’s anger at our sin, if we trust in Him we will never have to face it in hell.
God so loved us that He sent His Son Jesus to die in our place to be the propitiation for our sins, to be the sacrifice that removes the punishment of hell we deserve.
Propitia-SHUN – Jesus takes God’s anger at us for us.