A prayer based on Psalm 5.

<aside> 🙏🏻 We come to you our God and our King. The Almighty One. The Creator of heaven and earth. Who is enthroned high above all things. To you we pray. Listen to our words, LORD. Consider our pleas for help.

We praise you that you are a holy God. Who hates all evil, and who cannot dwell with the wicked. We thank you that you are not indifferent to the works of your enemies, because we know that a day of judgment is coming, when all wrongs will be righted.

Lord, at one time we were among your enemies. Rebellious sinners. Facing your wrath. But you graciously confronted us. Exposing what we are. Opening our eyes to see the danger we were in. And making it possible for us to receive the salvation that Christ accomplished, through His death on the cross as a sacrifice for sin, by giving us the gift of faith in Him.

We ask now for your help to follow Him. Lead us, Lord in your righteousness. Empower us by your Spirit to walk in your ways. Direct us along the narrow path of obedience. Make straight your way before us because there are enemies who will do all they can to drag us onto that path that we were once on, that leads to destruction. We know that world, our sinful nature, and the devil will conspire together for our ruin. Doing what they can to pressure us into giving up our faith. Spread your protection over us, we pray. Assure us with the knowledge that we are safe spiritually and eternally. That you are with us always. That nothing and no-one can pluck us out of your mighty hand. That you will finish the good work you have started in us. That we have your help in trials and temptations. And that our struggle will end because as you rescued Christ on the third day, so you will rescue us by raising us from the dead.

Thank you for this sure and certain hope that we have because we have taken refuge in you. That the plots of the wicked will ultimately backfire on them. That evil will be overthrown. That anything which could spoil the new creation being prepared for us will be got rid of. And God’s kingdom will fully and finally come.

May this cause us to rejoice in you always. To shout for joy. To boast about you. And to give you all the praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honour and power and strength for ever and ever.

