i) Join in with the praise of heaven, by rejoicing that God is our great Saviour. He will be victorious over this world that is in rebellion to Him and will rescue His people from it.
ii) Praise God that His judgment is true and just. Evil will be punished. Those who persecuted and killed His people will get what they deserve. All wrongs will be righted.
iii) Give thanks that Jesus will return to marry His bride. One day, we, along with all God’s people, will be with Jesus forever, and know the intimacy, love and joy that being face to face with Him brings. Pray that we will long for this day and have a right disappointment that it hasn’t happened yet.
iv) Thank God that Christ has done everything necessary for us to be His bride; that He loved the church and gave Himself up for her to make her holy when He died on cross and that He will present His people to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish.
v) Pray that we will be displaying the righteous acts that make up the wedding dress now. Thank God that there are good works that have been prepared in advance for us to do. Ask for the help of the Holy Spirit to be faithful in our serving Christ.
vi) Pray that we will have certainty about this future hope because these words of God are true.
vii) Praise God that the invitation to eat at the wedding feast of the Lamb can still be accepted. Pray that we will invite people to take up this offer by telling them the good news about Jesus Christ. Pray that as a local church we would see people turn to Him in repentance and faith and become part of the bride of Christ.