<aside> 🙏🏻 Some pointers for a prayer meeting taken from Joshua 5:1-12


  1. Praise God for saving us from slavery to sin through the death of the Lord Jesus, our Passover Lamb, who takes away the sins of the world.

  2. Praise God for His victory over all His enemies, and for the confidence this gives us, that Jesus will build His church, and is able to give us victory over temptation and sin in our lives.

  3. Praise God for His faithfulness, and that as the Israelites trusted Him to provide manna for them every day, so we can trust Him to provide for all our needs.

  4. Pray that we would be committed to God, whatever denying ourselves and taking up our cross will mean for us.

  5. Pray for those who have yet to make their commitment to Christ public by being baptised to take this step of obedience.

  6. Ask God to comfort us with the good news of the gospel and to fill us with joy that comes from knowing that His wrath has passed from us to His Son.

  7. Pray that God would help us to not forget His victory, salvation, or faithfulness, and that this would protect us from turning from God and falling into idolatry, unbelief, and disobedience.