<aside> 🙏🏻 Some pointers for a prayer meeting taken from Joshua 1
Praise God for the promise of eternal life in the heavenly Promised Land for all who trust in Jesus, the greater Joshua.
Praise God that Jesus, our Joshua, can bring us to heaven because He has defeated our enemies of sin, Satan, and death by His death and resurrection.
Ask God to strengthen our belief and remove any doubts about whether He will keep His promise to bring us home to heaven.
Thank God for His Word which instructs us how to enter the Promised Land and remain on the narrow way that leads to life.
Pray that we would remain faithful to God's commands, not turning from them, either by adding to them or taking away from them.
Pray that God would help us to commit ourselves to reading, hearing, meditating, and doing His Word.
Pray that we would help each other to trust God's promises and obey God's commands.
Ask God to help us tell people about the promise of heaven for all who follow Jesus.
Praise God for His presence with us by His Spirit wherever we go.
Praise God that He raises up people to carry on His work. Pray that He would raise up more gospel workers to replace those whose service for Him is coming to an end.