7 Prayer Pointers for a Prayer Meeting

i) Praise God for Jesus our apostle and high priest. Pray that we would fix our thoughts on Him and as we consider Him, we would love, trust, and obey Him.

ii) Praise God that we are brothers and sisters whom God has adopted into His family. Praise Him for this wonderful blessing of salvation and the wonderful hope of heaven that we share.

iii) Pray that we would love one another as brothers and sisters and live holy lives because we have been made holy in God’s sight.

iv) Praise God that Jesus is the maker and master of the church and He has promised to build it.

v) Pray that we would listen to God’s voice as we hear His Word read, preached, and read it for ourselves. Pray that we won’t harden our hearts or close our ears to what He is saying to us by His Holy Spirit. Pray that we would love hearing Him speak through His Word and would respond in joyful obedience to what He says.

vi) Confess that our hearts are unbelieving and that we are prone to wander away from God.

vii) Pray that we would take seriously the instruction to encourage one another daily, and we would find opportunity to do this for one another. Pray that each of us would recognise that we need encouragement to keep following Christ, and be glad to receive this.