<aside> 🙏🏻 Some pointers for a prayer meeting taken from Genesis 1:1-25


  1. Praise God that there is God who exists and who is present in this world. Pray that as we pray, we would believe that we really are praying to a living and real God who is not made up and who can respond to our prayers by answering them.

  2. Praise God that He is pre-existent. He is from everlasting to everlasting. He has no beginning and no end. Praise God that He does not need us. Pray that we would look to Him and depend upon Him to meet our needs.

  3. Praise God that He is plural. He exists and has always existed as Trinity. He is 1 God and 3 persons. Praise Him that He is love and can be love because He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Praise Him that He shows His love by creating us and saving us.

  4. Praise God that He is powerful and showed His power by creating all things out of nothing; that He speaks and it happens. Rejoice in this wonderful truth because it means that He can do what He says and is able to keep every single promise He has made in His Word. Thank Him for the certainty this gives to us who are trusting in Jesus’ death and resurrection for the forgiveness of our sins and eternal life.

  5. Praise God that He is personal. He can be known, and because He speaks we can know Him and what He is like. Thank God that He wants to relate to us not just as the Creator to His creatures, but as a tender Father to His children. Pray that the Spirit would assure us that we are children of God.

  6. Praise God that He is purposeful as He took a formless and empty and turned it into a very good world. Give thanks to God for being a God who finishes what He starts, and pray that as He finished creation, He would finish our salvation.

  7. Praise God that He is praiseworthy. Ask for the Spirit’s help to praise God, with our lives by living according to the boundaries God has set for us, and with our lips by speaking of His greatness and goodness and grace.