<aside> 🙏🏻 Some pointers for a prayer meeting taken from Deuteronomy 6


  1. Praise the one and only living and true God for His greatness and goodness. Adore Him for who He is.

  2. As the LORD is One, we are to have no other gods. Confess to God that we are prone to have other gods in our lives and are drawn to idols. Ask for forgiveness.

  3. Pray that we would love the LORD our God with all our heart, and with all our soul, and with all our strength; that our desire would be toward Him, our delight in Him, and our dependence on Him.

  4. Knowing that when things go well for us, there is a real danger that would forget God and what He has done for us. Pray for protection against this temptation.

  5. Praise God that He has rescued us with a mighty hand from slavery to sin through Christ's death and resurrection. Pray that our gratitude for what He has done for us would increase.

  6. Thank God for those who teach God's Word to us. Pray that they would faithfully teach all that God has commanded, and only what God has commanded.

  7. Ask to God to help parents to take responsibility for bringing up their children to know and understand the gospel and the truth of God's Word; and to help them make the most of the different opportunities during the day to talk about their faith in Jesus.

  8. Pray that we would frequently read God's Word and store it up in our hearts, so that our thoughts might turn to them during the day and be taken up with them.

  9. Praise God that He is leading us in this life, and will one day give us the Promised Land of heaven to be our home in the life to come.