<aside> 🙏🏻 Some pointers for a prayer meeting taken from Deuteronomy 14
Praise the Lord for choosing us to be His very own people, not because of any goodness in us, or any good work we would do, but because of His grace.
Thank God that we have been adopted into His family; He is our Father and we are loved by Him, and can come to Him in prayer.
Praise God that He has sanctified us, setting us apart to be His holy people, with the freedom to serve Him and enjoy Him.
Praise God that we do not need to grieve for believers who die in the Lord without hope. Give thanks for the assurance that they are now safe in the presence of their Saviour which for them is gain.
Pray that we would separate ourselves from the world, not embracing the ungodly beliefs, attitudes, loves, and actions of the culture around us, and would be devoted to God.
Pray that we would be careful in how we use what God has given to us - our time, energy, talents, food, homes etc - and we would use them all for His glory.
Pray that we would be generous in our giving, and that God would supply all our needs as a local church.
Ask God to help us to be committed to gathering together in His presence to worship Him every Lord's Day, and that when we do we would encourage each other to fear the Lord and would rejoice in His salvation together as family.