i) Praise God for the grace He shows us through Jesus who is powerful to save and to sanctify us. Pray that we would know His presence with us and His grace toward us.
ii) Thank God for the hope we have that our Lord Jesus will bring us safely into His heavenly kingdom.
iii) Thank God for the fellowship of believers so that we don’t have to follow Christ on our own. Thank God for the church family and the encouragement they are to us.
iv) Ask God to help us hear the warning about the danger of loving the world. Pray that we would not forget our first love and be drawn away from Christ by the enticing pleasures of the world.
v) Pray for God to give us today our daily bread; for Him to provide for all our practical needs both individually and as a church.
vi) Praise God that we have easy access to His Word in a translation we can read and understand. Pray that we would read the Scriptures and continue to grow in our knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Thank God for the blessing of other books, creeds, confessions and catechisms, and hymnals to help us understand and remember the truths found in the Bible.
vii) Pray that the Lord would strengthen us to serve Him, especially in the face of opposition from those who hate Christ and His gospel. Pray that we would serve in dependence upon God to provide the strength we need to do this.