i) Praise God for His Word; that Scripture is God-breathed; the very Word of God. Pray that as we read it and hear it, we would hear Him speak to us and lead us.
ii) Thank God that His Word brings salvation by teaching us the gospel of Jesus Christ who saves us from the wrath to come, and our need to have faith in Him.
iii) Thank God that His Word sanctifies us by teaching us, rebuking us, correcting us, and training us in righteousness. Pray that we would obey His Word and live lives that please Him.
iv) Thank God for those who taught the Scriptures to us - for parents, Sunday School teachers, friends, pastors and elders.
v) Pray for parents to make known the teaching of the Bible and the knowledge of Jesus Christ to their children. Pray that they would read the Bible with their children and teach them doctrine to give to them a biblical worldview.
vi) Pray that our pastors and elders would be godly in their conduct and faithful to what God has said in their teaching. Pray that the Word of God would equip them to serve us.
vii) Pray that we would continue in the faith. Pray that we won’t be deceived by false teaching and won’t give up in the face of persecution.