i) Praise God that the Lord Jesus will return to judge the living and the dead. Thank God that though we don’t know when this will happen, because the day of the Lord will come like a thief, we can be sure that this will happen because He was raised on the third day.
ii) Give God the glory for His omniscience, that He knows all things, and that He is able to bring what is hidden to light. Praise Him that evil which is hidden today, that goes on behind closed doors in places of power and people’s homes, will be disclosed and justice will take place, as all wrongs will be righted.
iii) Praise God that the day of the Lord, the day when Jesus returns to judge, will be a day when everything that spoils this world will be removed - sin, suffering, sorrow, the devil and his angels, and death.
iv) Ask God to help us to see a glimpse of our eternal home, the new heavens and new earth where righteousness dwells, and to give us a real excitement about being taken by Jesus to the place He is preparing for us.
v) Pray for those who because of their rejection of the gospel are under God’s judgment and facing removal from the earth that will be renewed and restored, and punishment in hell for their sin. Pray for their salvation, that God would be gracious to rescue them by regenerating them by His Spirit and giving them the gift of repentance and faith so that they can respond to the call to believe in Christ.
vi) Pray for the help of the Holy Spirit to live in the light of this coming day of God in a way that pleases Him by being people who are holy godly in their conduct - separate from sin and devoted to the worship of God.
vii) Pray for the Lord Jesus to come quickly and for the second coming to not be a neglected teaching in church life.