7 Prayer Pointers for a Prayer Meeting

i) Praise God that He has spoken and through the words recorded by the Old Testament prophets and New Testament apostles, we can know Him, His salvation, and how to live a life that brings Him glory.

ii) Praise God for those who faithfully preach the Word. Pray that they would remind us of the truths of first importance that we already know and would do so in a fresh way. Pray that we would not tire of hearing these truths and would look forward to with anticipation.

iii) Pray that we would not doubt the return of Jesus. Pray that the Holy Spirit would assure us hearts that He is coming, and also that we would have that right disappointment that He hasn’t yet because of our desire to see Him face to face.

iv) Thank God that the day of judgment and the destruction of the ungodly is coming. Pray that we would see that it is right for us to be thankful, because of the offence this is to God’s glory, and because we do not want the harm ungodliness does to this world to be present in the new creation.

v) Praise God that He does not want any to perish but all to come to repentance. Pray that we would share this desire and this would stir us to pray for the lost, and to reach out to them with the good news of the gospel.

vi) Thank God for His patience. His patience that has delayed the day of judgment to give us opportunity to repent and believe in Christ and be saved. His patience that means there is still time for more people to come to Jesus to be rescued from the wrath that is to come by His glorious righteousness and precious blood shed on the cross.

vii) Pray that in these last days when people reject God’s Word and follow their own evil desires, we would remain faithful by believing God’s Word and living according to its commands.