i) Praise God for His Word and the warnings it gives to us. Thank God for making us aware that false teachers will infiltrate the church, but that this is not outside of His control. Praise God that the presence of false teachers will not stop the truth of the gospel being heard and responded to by His people.
ii) Ask God to protect this church from those who deny the truths of Scripture. Plead with God that there would never be an occasion in the future when the church approves a false teacher into leadership. Thank God for the leaders we have in the church, and the faithful teaching they give to us.
iii) Pray for those who are in danger of being enticed by teaching that false. Pray that they would be able to spot it, even the most subtlest forms, and would not be taken in by it.
iv) Pray for those who have been have led astray by false teachers. Pray that God would make them aware that are being deceived, and for God to be gracious to them and to lead them by His Spirit to embrace the truth of His Word.
v) Thank God that He will one day condemn the false teachers and bring His righteous judgment upon them. Pray for God’s kingdom to come. Pray that while we wait God would silence them and restrain their influence over His people. Pray that He would expose them for who they are.
vi) Pray that we would feel distressed by the presence of sin and the depraved behaviour in this world around us. Pray that we not go soft on those things which God says He hates, and see the wickedness of sin because of the way it dishonours God, and harms people.
vii) Praise God that He knows how to rescue His people from temptation. Pray for the help of the Holy Spirit to fight the sinful desires we experience and not give into sin. Ask God to encourage our hearts by reminding us that He is able to keep us from falling and to present us faithful on the last day.