i) Praise God that we can come to Jesus. Not only that it is possible for us to, but that He also wants us to come to Him and will welcome us when we do. Ask God to help us be aware that we are coming to Jesus as we pray, as it is only through Him that we can approach the throne of grace.
ii) Pray that God will help us to remember that the One we come to is was rejected by humans and put to death on the cross. Thank God for the cross where Jesus died for sins so that we can be forgiven. Pray that this truth would be right at the heart of our Lord’s Day gatherings as a church.
iii) Thank God that Jesus was accepted by Him and has been made King, Saviour, and Judge. Pray that we would be certain of this because Christ was raised from the dead and has ascended into heaven.
iv) Praise God that we can offer to God sacrifices that please Him because of Christ. Pray we would offer our bodies, souls, prayers, praises, affections, service to God out of love for Him, and gratitude for what He has done for us.
v) Pray that we would keep believing in Jesus. Pray that God would guard us against two big temptations to stop trusting in Christ: dissatisfaction with our lives and the sinful pleasures of this world. Ask God to help us be content, to see that what this world offers does not compare with what is to come, and for forgiveness for the times when we are discontent and drawn to the sin.
vi) Praise God for the mercy He has shown to us and this incredible privilege we have of being a chosen race, royal priesthood, holy nation, people belonging to God.
vii) Pray that we would live such good lives in the world, especially in the face of difficulties. Pray that we would stand out like light in the darkness, and would have opportunity to speak of the difference Jesus has made to our lives.