7 Prayer Pointers for a Prayer Meeting

i) Praise God that we have been adopted into God’s family and have the status of children of God. Praise the Father for His love that has made this possible by giving His Son for us.

ii) Thank God that there is no sin in Christ and because He was perfectly righteous, He can be the Saviour we need who can take away our sins so we can be forgiven and accepted by God.

iii) Praise God that Jesus who died and rose again to save us, is the returning Saviour, and will come again to bring to completion the saving work He has begun in us.

iv) Thank God that when we see Jesus, we will be transformed to be like Him. Give thanks that we will be glorified, made perfectly holy, and our ongoing daily battle with sin will be over.

v) Pray that with the Spirit’s help, we would seek to purify ourselves by putting to death sin. Ask the Lord to expose where we are lawless and disobeying His commands and bring about repentance in our lives.

vi) Aware that the devil is out to deceive us and tempt us to sin, praise God that because Jesus came to destroy the devil’s work and has, we have been brought out of bondage and slavery to sin and Satan, and can resist the devil, say “No” to sinning, and live obediently.

vii) Pray that as we live according to the new nature we have been given, because we are born of God, we would experience the assurance that we really are children of God, that Jesus has saved us, and we know God as our Father.