i) Praise God that He is light and in Him there is no darkness at all. What a wonderful God we have, who is morally pure, utterly holy, totally right, and completely perfect, so give to Him all the glory.
ii) Praise God that because He is light, He shows us the way things are. For revealing the truth about life and this world, and the truth about us. Praise that we can know what is true from His Word, and pray that we would read it to grow in our knowledge of the truth.
iii) Pray that we would see ourselves as sinners and not deceive ourselves into thinking that we are better than we are. Pray that we would agree with God’s verdict on our lives and confess our sin to Him.
iv) Thank God that He is faithful and for being faithful to all His promises. Thank God for keeping His promise to forgive our sin and to purify us from all unrighteousness when we confess our sin to Him.
v) Thank God that He is just, that He doesn’t pretend that we haven’t done anything wrong, but has punished our sin. Thank God that He did this when Jesus, His only Son, died on the cross in our place and received the penalty our sin deserves.
vi) Pray that as we confess our sins, we would receive the assurance that we have been forgiven and that there is no condemnation awaiting us. Pray that this would stop us from being weighed down with guilt and despair.
vii) Pray as we confess our sin, God’s Holy Spirit would help us to turn away from it and not walk in the darkness. Ask Him to help us walk in the light of obedience to Christ’s commands.