A prayer based on Revelation 19
<aside> 🙏🏻 Almighty God, we join with heaven in worshipping you, in giving you our praise. For salvation, glory, and power belong to you our Lord. We are glad and rejoice because a day is coming when you will judge this world. A judgment that will be true and righteous. Because this world corrupts and leading people away from you. Not only that, it persecutes your people too. We thank you that when you Son returns to judge with justice, evil will be punished and all who oppose you will be destroyed. Everything and everyone that harms. Everything and everyone that deceives. From the great to the small. We thank you that we can be sure this will take place, because He is the King of kings and Lord of lords from whom nothing is hidden, and who tramples the winepress of the fierce anger of God, bringing wrath on those who have not responded to your grace.
Yet this is not the only reason why we are glad and rejoice. This is not the only reason why we are thankful that this day is coming. We praise you that the Judge is also the Saviour. The Lamb who was slain to save people from their sins. A people given to Him to be His bride, who He will return to marry. As your bride, Lord Jesus, we are longing for this day. Our minds cannot conceive how marvellous, how glorious, how wonderful it will be. To be with the One who loved us and gave Himself for us. To eat the choicest of meats and drink the finest of wines with you at the marriage feast. How much better will this be than this taste you give us every time we celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Not just because of what is served, and who we will see face to face, on that day, but also because of who we will be. We will be pure and spotless, and dressed in fine linen. Covered in the perfect righteousness of Christ. We don’t deserve this. What love, what mercy, what kindness you have shown to us.
Thank you, Lord God Almighty, that your word never fails. So, we can be sure that this will happen. Help us to live as those who are certain of this. To hold firmly to the testimony of Jesus. To worship God alone. To live holy and sanctified lives that reflect Christ’s righteousness in our thoughts, our desires, our attitudes, our words, and our actions. To carry out the works you have prepared in advance for us to do with the strength and power your Holy Spirit gives. And to tell others that there is an invitation to the wedding, and they can be part of the bride of Christ if they trust in Him for salvation. It truly is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God, so we pray that you would convict the hearts of our family and friends, those we know and those we don’t, both near and far, so that they would turn to Christ before it is too late and He can only be known to them as Judge.
Lord Jesus, we are longing for your return, because then we will be free from sin. From the struggle against it. From weakness and wilfulness that leads to us failing you. From living in a world that hates you and hates those who follow you. Come quickly we pray. May it be soon.