A prayer based on Psalm 127:1.
<aside> ππ» We praise You our God. For You are the God who is life and You are the God who gives life. You are the One who because of Your great love for us; and because You are rich in mercy has made us alive. Giving us life when we were lost in our sins, dead in our transgressions, and objects of Your wrath.
We praise You that by Your Spirit, You have enabled us to trust in Your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ; to turn to Him in repentance, to come to Him for salvation. If You had not worked in our lives, where would we be? We would have remained dead. We would still be facing Your wrath in hell.
How grateful we are Lord Jesus, for your life β your perfect life β sinless, righteous β which You give to us. Thank You that Your righteousness has been credited to us who believe in You, so that we can be accepted by Your Father. How grateful we are Lord Jesus, for your death and resurrection β that You have paid the penalty our sins deserve so we can be forgiven and have eternal life.
All glory be to You.
And Lord God, it our desire that You would do this great work which You have done in our lives, in the lives of others. We donβt want anyone to perish. We want all to be saved. We want to see people respond in repentance and faith as they hear the gospel. We want to see family and friends and neighbours trust in Christ when we tell them of Him. Yet we know that unless You build the house, all our labours will be in vain.
We affirm our trust in the promise of Jesus who has said that He will build His church; that He will grow and increase His church. that He will bring many sons and daughters to glory. that He will lose none of those He saves. Father, help us to keep believing His Word, to trust His promises.
Forgive us for our doubts and unbelief. For those times when we are tempted to lose heart.
Holy Spirit, strengthen our confidence that Jesus really is seeking and saving the lost. Increase our dependence on You. And may we show this dependence by striving, labouring, working for You by making disciples; by telling the good news to those who so desperately need Jesus as their Saviour; by speaking the truth in love to one another. Believing that as we do: You will open blind eyes; You will grant repentance unto life; You will bring people to the knowledge of the truth; You will sanctify and change and make us more like Christ.
And may we be quick to give You the glory for all the great things You do in our lives and the lives of others, and the life of this and other faithful churches. To give You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, all the praise that You deserve. Because You are the great builder of the church. The only Saviour of sinners.