A prayer based on Matthew 28:1-15.

<aside> 🙏🏻 Faithful God, You are good and Your love endures forever. You altogether trustworthy and dependable. The rock on which we can build our lives. You are the God who does not lie. You speak truth, more than that, You are truth. And we adore You. We worship You.

We praise You that You are the unchanging God. That Your Son, the Lord Jesus, is the same yesterday, today, and forever. And because He is the great truth teller, we thank You that we can trust everything that He says. We thank You that we can have certainty of this because He rose from the grave, just as He said He would. That when the women went to the tomb and found the stone had been rolled away, that the body was gone, and heard the angel say to them “He is not here, He has risen”; they shouldn’t have been surprised, because He had already told them that on the third day He would be raised to life.

Lord, we thank You for the confidence this give us about truthfulness of everything else He has said. About His own identity. That He is the Christ, the King over all, who has all authority in heaven and on earth, who has the right to tell us how we should live in this world that belongs to Him. who has the authority to save and to judge, to welcome into heaven and to punish in hell. About His mission. That He came to earth to die as a ransom for many, to save people from the wrath of God they deserve for their sins, which means there is a way to be forgiven and have eternal life.

Holy Spirit, help us to believe that everything Jesus says is true. Give us the certainty that because Jesus has risen just as He said, every single word He has spoken is the truth. So that we repent of our sins, of our unbelief, of our doubts, and fully depend on Him. On His life to make us righteous in God’s sight. On His blood shed on the cross to cleanse us from all our sins. On His resurrection which gives us new and eternal life. On His Word to guide us in how we should be and live and what we should do. On His presence to lead us through the trials and difficulties we face and to give us boldness to make disciples as we go and tell this message of good news for all people.

We give You the glory because of Your faithful love and because of Your truth.

