A prayer based on Leviticus 15
<aside> 🙏🏻 Our Lord and our God, We are amazed that you would want to be in a relationship with us. You are holy. We are not. You are pure. We are unclean. And the depth of our uncleanness goes deep. Right down into our hearts. From our births, sin has tainted our lives. From within us, as Jesus makes clear, is found evil thoughts, lust, anger, greed, malice, envy, deceit, slander, foolishness and pride. We do not have clean hands nor do we have pure hearts. And because of this we should be excluded from your presence and facing your judgment.
We praise you, for us, whose faith is in Christ, something wonderful has happened. We have been made clean. The pollution of sin has been washed from us. You see us now, as faultless and without blemish, as those who are welcome in your presence. All because of what the Lord Jesus has done for us. We thank you that what you promised through Israel’s priests and the sacrifices which they offered on behalf of the people has happened. As He, the perfect great High priest, offered the perfect, once for all time, sacrifice, Himself, in our place and for our sins, satisfying your anger at us. Providing for us a cleansing that is permanent, which makes us holy and perfect forever. Providing for us a cleansing that is total, which gets right to the heart of the problem. So, that when by faith we plunge ourselves beneath the fountain filled with his blood, we lose all our guilty stains. We pray that we would have this assurance. That if we have come to Jesus, and say to Him, “Lord, if you are willing, make me clean,” He will. Because He is not just willing to, but able to. By your Spirit, give us a complete confidence that nothing will prevent us from being accepted by you, and welcomed into heaven.
Lord, if there are any here who have not received this cleansing, our prayer is that they may be found by Christ. And be forgiven, and washed, and made holy, and may become children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. Save all who gather with us now, and those who live in the community, our nation, and from the 8 billion people who live in our world. So so many are being kept from seeing Christ and the cleansing He offers. Grant to them repentance and faith.
For us who have been made clean, may live as those who are. To be different. A people that are holy and set apart as devoted to you. Take out of us, our God, all that which would grieve your Spirit. Help us to be careful to distinguish between the things God wants us to do and the things He doesn’t. We confess that we are slow to understand what this means. Forgive us, and change us to be more and more like your Son, we pray.