A prayer based on Genesis 1:1-25

<aside> 🙏🏻 Our God, We praise you that you are the God who is there – that you are real, that you exist, that you are present, and that you are true and living. We thank you that as we bring our prayers to you, we are bringing them to a God who can hear and who can respond by answering them.

We give you our adoration that you are the eternal God – who is from everlasting to everlasting, who has no beginning nor end, that before there was a creation, you were there. And it was not because you were lacking in some way that you made this world and everything in it. You did not create us because there was something you needed us to do for you, but because your love, the love you as Father, Son, and Spirit, for all eternity have enjoyed, overflowed, and brought everything into being. Lord, it is not you who is dependent upon us, but we as creatures, who are dependent upon you our Almighty Creator. May we show that we are each day, by looking to you to meet our every need. Give us today our daily bread.

We rejoice that you can because you are powerful. It was by your powerful Word that you created out of nothing. You spoke and it was so. And we take great comfort in this wonderful truth, because it means that you are able to do what you say. We thank you for all the words you have spoken to us in the Scriptures – all the precious promises it contains, and for the certainty that every single one of them will be kept, including the promise that all who call on the name of the Lord Jesus will be saved, that everyone whose trust is in Christ’s righteous life, sin-bearing death, and glorious resurrection will be forgiven of their sins and have eternal life. What a joy it is to have this assurance! To know that because of Jesus, you don’t just relate to us as Creator and Ruler and Judge, but as a tender Father of those who have been made your children.

Holy Spirit, reassure our hearts that we really are children of God. And give us great confidence that He does finish what He starts. Help us to be certain that like He finished His creating work, so He will finish His new creating work, by conforming us into the image of Christ, and by renewing this present world under the curse of sin and death into a glorious new heaven and a new earth.

Our Lord and God you truly are worthy to receive glory and honour and power, because you have created all things, and by your will they exist and were created. Receive our praise now. And strengthen us so that daily we would live lives that praise you, by living according to the boundaries you have set for us in your Word, and by our lips that speak of your greatness and goodness.

For your glory, we pray.

