A prayer based on Ezekiel 34
<aside> 🙏🏻 Lord, as sheep, prone to going astray and falling into danger, the most important thing we can do is choose the right shepherd. The right shepherd: To save us. To lead us. To protect us. To provide for all our needs. We praise you that you have given us the best shepherd we could ever have - Your Son, the Lord Jesus, who said, “I am the Good Shepherd,” and who proved this by laying down His life for His sheep. We thank you that He can save us from all our enemies. From sin. From Satan. From death and hell. So that when we put out trust in Him to be our Shepherd, all our sins are forgiven, we are declared righteous in your sight, and the punishment we deserve is no more as it was paid in full by Christ on the cross. We thank you, Lord Jesus, that you truly are the shepherd we need, our good shepherd.
Thank you for the way you lead us by giving us your Word, which contains promises to strengthen our faith and give us hope for the future, commands that lead us along paths of righteousness, truth which comfort us in the times of trouble and difficulty, and wisdom that can be applied to every circumstance we find ourselves in.
Thank you for your protection. For the way you keep us safe, persevering in the faith, in the face of many dangers, toils, and snares. For how you hold on to us even when we doubt you, drift away from you, and disobey you. So that we do not perish and are led safely to the promised land that you are preparing for us where we will dwell with you forever. May we know you as our shepherd today. Would we know your love and care for us.
Because you know your sheep individually, intimately, we ask that you would provide for each of us the personalised care we need. If we are straying, bring us back. If we are doubting, strengthen our belief in you. If we are overwhelmed, give us peace. If we are fearful, calm our anxious hearts. If we are downcast, lift our eyes to see your greatness and goodness. If we are weary, give us your power. If we are feeling guilty, assure us that we are forgiven. If we are confused or wondering what to do, guide us. If we are pressing on, encourage us. Most of us be with us in all our circumstances.
Our God, it is a joy to know you as our shepherd. But we are aware that there are many we know who do not. Some we know once did. Like the prodigal son, they have wandered far from you. We pray for the children of members who once professed faith in Christ, who once were seeking to faithfully follow Him, yet no longer do. Lord, bring them back. Holy Spirit, convict them of their sin. Open their eyes to see the goodness of having Jesus as their shepherd. Save them. Yet they are just a few of the many in this world who are sheep without a good shepherd. Many are like Israel of old being led by bad shepherds. Harassed and helpless. Weighed down by sin and guilt and shame, oppressed by wicked leaders who care only for themselves, who have no idea that there is a Saviour. We pray to you, Lord of the harvest, that you would send labourers to them. To speak the good news that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord, the good and great shepherd, will be saved. Jesus, seek and save those who are lost. We pray that many would be found, including a great number of Jews, who though they have the Old Testament Scriptures, with all the promises of Saviour, are not trusting in Jesus as Messiah.
And Lord, as we praise you for being the shepherd we need, we thank you for the shepherds you give to local churches. We thank you for giving to us men to serve as elders, and we pray for them now. For their character, that you would keep them above reproach as they keep watch over their lives. For their teaching, that they would hold to the faithful message taught in your word, and encourage us with it, and refute those who contradict it. For their families, that you would bless them. For their service, that they would fulfil all the duties you have given to them, for our good. For their faith, that it would be worthy of imitation.
Our God, we bring all our prayers and petitions to you, in the name of the Good Shepherd.