A prayer based on Ephesians 4:11-16.

<aside> 🙏🏻 Lord Jesus, We give You our praise for You have won the victory. You have ascended into heaven. Returning home in triumph, because by Your life, death, and resurrection You have purchased men for God from every tribe and language and people and nation. We thank You that You are now preparing a place for Your people. You are getting heaven – the new creation – ready for them, and that one day You will return to gather them in. As we wait for that glorious day, we are so grateful for the gift You have given to us, Your people, by Your Spirit.

For the apostles and prophets who laid the foundation for the church. Whose teaching, given through the Holy Spirit, we have in Scripture. We praise You, Lord, that we need no new revelation. That we have everything we need for life and godliness. That we have Your sufficient Word which teaches, rebukes, corrects, encourages, and trains us, so that we are equipped to live and serve You.

For the evangelists who break new ground, taking the gospel to new places and people who have yet to turn to Jesus and be saved. We thank You for the gifts You’ve given them to be Your witnesses. For the example they set, and the encouragement they give to us, to speak the good news to those outside the church.

And for pastors and teachers, the gifted leaders You have given to mature us as they do the work of ministry; who preach Your Word, so that Your body is built up.

As they serve us, we pray that this would lead to unity. A unity that comes not from being similar kinds of people, but a deeper kind. A unity in the faith and knowledge of the Son of God.

As they serve us, we pray that this would lead to growth. Growth in breadth as more people are saved and are added to our number. But especially in depth as we grow more and more into the body of Him who is the Head of the church, Christ Himself.

As they serve us, we pray that this would lead to stability. That we would be a church that is not tossed back and forth by difficult circumstances or false teaching. That each of us would stand firm on the truth of God’s Word.

And as they serve us, we pray that this would lead to each of us speaking this Word in love to one another. Help us to serve one another with the gifts You have given us. To spur one another. To encourage one another to keep growing in obedience and keep going with Christ.

Lord Jesus, build up Your body, we pray, that our lives together may bring glory to Your name.

