A prayer based on Acts 2:37-41.

<aside> 🙏🏻 Our Lord and Christ, Rescuer and Ruler, Judge of all. who died and rose again; who is seated at the right hand of God the Father almighty, who is making His enemies His footstool, and who will return to save and destroy. We are in awe of who You are. You are worthy of our worship, of our love, of our trust, and of our obedience. We are filled with gratitude for what You have done for us. Opening our eyes to see You as You truly are. Convicting us by Your Spirit of our sin; of the hurt and offence this has caused to God; of the desperate and dangerous position we are in. But also amazing us with Your grace. Transforming our hearts so that we could respond to Your initiation to “Come!” To come and receive forgiveness. To come and be reconciled to God. To come and be filled with the Holy Spirit. To come and receive the wisdom and guidance and love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness and gentleness and faithfulness and self-control that we need to live as the people You made us to be. To come and receive eternal life. We praise You for this wonderful work You have done in our lives.

But this certainty, this hope that we have, causes us to grieve and be concerned for those who don’t have this assurance. For those, Lord Jesus, who are still Your enemies. who are still against You; rebels to You will and way. Cut them to the heart we pray. Holy Spirit, You, who convicts the world of guilt in regard to sin and righteousness and judgment, do this powerful and penetrating work, so that they see how vulnerable they are. How helpless they are. How desperately they need a Saviour. Give them a terrifying awareness of what will happen to them at their deaths when they will face Jesus as judge and give an account to Him. And in Your mercy, change them into new creations, who turn from sin to trust in the only Saviour.

God, You take no pleasure in the death of anyone; You command everyone everywhere to repent and live. Save friends, family, neighbours, strangers in this community and beyond, people of every nation from this corrupt generation. Thank You that the promise of forgiveness of sins and the gift of the Holy Spirit to all who repent, is for us, for our children, and all who are far off. Today, we plead with You to add to Your church.

