A prayer based on Acts 2:1-21.

<aside> 🙏🏻 Our Father in heaven, As we look out on this world. It is hard to see how we can be living at a wonderful time in history. We see the problems; the troubles; the suffering; the pain. But it is truly a great period to be in because these are days of salvation.

We thank You that though Your judgment is coming; that one day the great and glorious day of the Lord, when You will judge people’s secrets through Jesus Christ will arrive, when all those who don’t know You, who have not called on the name of the Lord, will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from Your presence; there is still a chance to be rescued. And that this is possible because the One through whom You will judge, came first to save. That the Lamb of God has died to take away the sins of the world.

Thank You that as Jesus died, the earth got a taste of the judgment that is coming, as it fell not on us, but on Him. That He received the full force of Your wrath and anger that our sins deserved as He hung on the cross in our place, as our substitute, as our sacrifice. And that His sacrifice was sufficient to save as You showed Your acceptance of it by raising Him from the dead. How wonderful it is to know that salvation is available to us. To hear this good news of great joy. But if You had not sent Your Spirit this would not be possible.

We give You our thanks, Lord Jesus, that You kept Your promise. That the Spirit has come and given power to Your followers so that they can be witnesses for You. That they have been speaking out Your Word, telling of a way for sinners to be rescued, declaring the praises of Him who has called them out of darkness and into His wonderful light, giving an answer to everyone who asks them to give the reason for the hope they have. in all nations.

And we ask that we who have heard this gospel, who have called on the name of the Lord and been saved, who have been given the Spirit, would know the power that we have to be witnesses ourselves. To be share some of the wonders of God. Not just to those who desperately need to hear of their need to be saved, but also, to one another. To remind each other to pay careful attention to this great salvation so that we do not drift away. To encourage one another daily so that none of us may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Give us the courage to speak the truth in love. Give us the boldness to fearlessly make known the word of Christ.

