A prayer based on 2 Timothy 3.

<aside> 🙏🏻 Sovereign God, you know all things. Nothing is a surprise to you. There is nowhere in this world and there has been no point in history that has escaped your gaze and is outside of your control. Before anything take place, you already knew about it. And in your kindness, you have revealed what life in our day will be like so we can know what to expect. Just as you have said, this world is full of people whose love is set not on you, Lord, but on self, money, pleasure, or other things. We see this all around us, and we confess that at times, we see this in our own hearts. We confess that it is hard to follow you. We are tempted to go along with the ways of the world. We admit that what we see appeals so often to our sinful nature. Forgive us for all our failings, our weakness, that we do not love you as we should. Thank you that there is forgiveness available to us because Jesus Christ has shed his blood, dying in our place, to take away our sins. Help us to believe this. And to look to Him to provide the grace we need each day to flee from sin and pursue holiness.

We thank you that in your Word, you tell us, not only how we can be saved from the wrath to come through faith in Christ, but also how to live lives that please you. So, we pray that as we read and hear your Word, that you would teach us where we need to be taught, rebuke us where we need to be rebuked, correct us where we need to be corrected, and that you would train us in righteousness and equip us to serve you. We are grateful for all those who have taught and continue to teach the Scriptures to us. Help parents to make known what your Word says to their children, to bring them up in the knowledge of Jesus and what He has done. Help our elders to continue in the faith, to be godly in their conduct, and to be faithful to what you have said in their teaching. Protect them from going astray. You have warned us that this is a real danger, and we know that there are lots of churches where false teachers are leading people astray or there are leaders who have an outward appearance of godliness but who are seeking to prey on the vulnerable. May this not ever be true of any of those you have given to lead and teach us. Protect this church from this ever happening. And for any who have been deceived or hurt in the past, bring understanding of the truth, healing, and hope to them.

We praise you that a day is coming when harm and hardship will no longer come to your people because Jesus will return. We thank you for the justice that will take place then, when those who have gotten away with committing terrible abuses in this life, will get what they deserve. Come quickly we pray. Help us by your Spirit as we wait to keep trusting in Christ, even if, when, suffering and persecution comes to us, and to live as those who are looking for His appearing.

In Christ’s Name.

