A prayer based on 2 Peter 3:10-18.
<aside> 🙏🏻 Lord Jesus, our Rock and our Redeemer, Thank you that you are our gracious Saviour: That you suffered, bled, and died for us, to take our sin and shame, so that we can be forgiven. That you rose, defeating death, and opening up the way to eternal life. We praise you that one day you will return.
Help us, we pray to be prepared for that day. By making ourselves ready for your coming with the help of your Spirit, so that it won’t be a day of destruction for us. Help us to live lives of purity and godliness, pursuing holiness and doing the good works you’ve prepared for us to do. Because if when you return Lord, you are going to remove everything that is impure and evil, how we should want nothing to do with sin and wickedness now.. And if the new heavens and new earth is where righteousness dwells, how we should want our lives to be marked by this righteousness now.
Thank you that this hope we have of a place in the new heavens and a new earth is based on your promise. And because you have promised this, we can look expectantly and with anticipation for this promise to be kept, for you are a trustworthy God and faithful to all you have promised.
We give you our praise that these wonderful promises you have made can be found in your Word. We are grateful for those who you inspired by your Spirit to write your Word down, so we can be sure that in Scripture, what we have, is your very words. As we are grateful for those men you gave the responsibility of writing down Scripture to, we are grateful for those who you enable to understand and explain those parts that are not easy to understand. Thank you Lord Jesus for the gifts you have given to the church of those who are able to make the meaning clear to us. For their wisdom and the faithful instruction, guidance, and encouragement from your word they give, whether from the pulpit or other formal settings, in private conversation, or those who produce resources for the church.
Holy Spirit, we pray that you would grant us the ability to understand the truth so well that we will be able to spot teaching that is false, and not be deceived by those who distort the word, nor imitate their ungodly behaviour. Give us a desire to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. To know Him more clearly and more fully. To know Him better and be more like Him, and love Him more. So that we may be protected from falling into error, and from being tossed here and there by every wind of teaching there is out there. And may Jesus receive the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.