A prayer based on 2 John.
<aside> 🙏🏻 We give you our God, all the glory and praise, that before time, you set your electing love upon us. We praise you that when we were sinners and rebels, with no interest in you, you chose us to be saved, and to be gathered together in a local church. Thank you for revealing yourself to us by your Word and the power of the Holy Spirit, that we would come to believe the truth. The truth about Jesus Christ, His righteous life, His atoning death, His resurrection. The only truth which saves, which rescues us from our sins, that makes us righteous in your sight, and gives us everlasting life. Thank you that whatever happens in this life, the gospel cannot be taken away from us if we have come to know Jesus. Thank you that we can have this confidence.
Lord, we pray that today, we would be found walking in the truth - obeying the Lord, following Him in our individual lives in every circumstance. And when we see that happening in the lives of others, would this cause us to rejoice and be glad. Help us as a church to celebrate when we see others battle sin and make progress in their faith, when we see people grow in their trust, and when they obey Christ - even when it’s costly. By your Holy Spirit, enable us to see that God’s way is not only right, but that living that way is to love those around us.
But, gracious Father, if we are to keep walking in the truth, we need to stick with the truth and not move from it. So, keep us watchful because their are deceivers about, who spread falsehood, and who deny the essential teachings found in God’s Word - those glorious truths about our salvation and how we please the Lord with our lives. Protect this local church and its members from those whose teaching would draw us away from the narrow path that leads to life. May we not behave in anyway, that would show support to the ministry of individuals whose teaching is harmful to the church.
We are grateful, Lord, for all the resources that are available today, online and in print, which help us to understand what the Scriptures teach. These are good gifts which you have provide for your people, and we are thankful for them. But more wonderful is the gift of being able to meet face to face with your people whenever we gather to hear your Word read and preached, to respond with prayer and singing, and to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Help us to make the most of this opportunity we have every Sunday, and to use the time before and after the services to encourage one another and establish them in the truth. May we see this as real privilege, especially when we remember that some of our number are unable to meet with us each week. Bless those who are shut in because of age or illness. Would we make time to support them in their faith by getting in touch with them regularly. Beyond our church, we remember and ask you to show your grace, mercy, and peace, to isolated believers in unreached countries, where they may be the only believers in a specific area, and to believers in countries where the church is being persecuted and they cannot meet safely together.
We bring these requests to you in the mighty Name of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father, in truth and love.