A prayer based on 2 Chronicles 21.

<aside> 🙏🏻 Heavenly Father, Ruler over all We come to You as those who are glad for the perfect King, You have sent to reign over us. Christ Jesus, You are the Good Shepherd, for You have loved us and given Your life for us. You lead us to green pasture and beside quiet waters and along paths of righteousness by Your Word. You comfort us in the midst of the dark valleys and fierce storms that we experience in our lives. How good it is to know Your leading and guiding and ruling and protecting hand.

Our God, we thank You for the leaders You give to us.

For the leaders of nations which You raise up. We pray for those who have responsibility to govern our nation. The Prime Minister and the Cabinet, and all the MPs who affect real lives by the votes they cast. Lord, give them all, great wisdom for the decisions they have to make. Lord, protect them from selfish ambition and give them a desire to serve the people of this country for the good of everyone. Especially we pray that they would not make it difficult for God’s people to worship You, to live godly lives, and to preach the gospel to those who are lost and perishing. Also, restrain the desire of some to push agendas and make laws that would promote and increase the spread of wickedness in this nation.

We pray for those MPs who love the Lord Jesus and who are trusting Him for salvation, that by Your Spirit, You would enable them to remain faithful, and to not compromise their beliefs when under pressure from colleagues or constituents, and in all things may their Christlike character shine through.

Almighty God, it is clear that Your wrath is being revealed against people in this land who have suppressed the truth, and who have worshipped and served that which has been created instead of You, the Creator. We see evidence all around us, of how You have given them over to their sinful desires. And we lament the many lives ruined and the suffering people have brought on themselves and others because of this. It grieves us how hardened against righteousness people are. That the warning of Your final judgment in hell that is to come for all who do not repent is being ignored by the majority of those who hear it. That people would rather pursue what is sinful and evil than turn to Jesus and receive the life and hope that He offers.

Lord, have mercy, show compassion, we pray.

And our God, it pains us, that not only is wickedness rampant in our nation, it has also spread to those who would claim to be Your people. We pray for all the churches who are no longer faithful to Your Word. The many who have leaders who are unqualified or who have embraced false teaching. And as a result have led people astray and away from Christ. Bring about, by Your Word and Spirit, a deep conviction in them, of their own sin and the seriousness of what they are doing, which will lead to repentance and transformed lives.

We plead with You for the elders of this church that they would remain steadfast in their commitment to You. That each of them individually and together would be following the lead of the Lord Jesus. That they would show themselves to be gifts He has given to this church: By their godly character. By their Biblical convictions. By their faithfulness to Your Word. By their servantheartedness. By their example of repentance and faith. By their reputation among those outside the church. And by their ability to teach and manage this local fellowship of believers. Would we joyfully follow their lead because they are following Yours, and in doing so find this to be for our good and Your glory.

