A prayer based on 1 Peter 3:18.
<aside> 🙏🏻 Great God, Our Saviour We praise You. We bless You and adore You. For You have so loved this world by giving us Your Son, the Lord Jesus. The Saviour of the World. The One who rescues everyone who believes in Him.
We thank You that He has died for sins. We confess that we are all sinners. We have broken Your law, gone our way, and worshipped false gods. We have rejected You our Maker and deliberately decided to live the way we want to. We are sinners, and our sin is worthy of Your wrath. And there is nothing we can do to remove this stain that is upon us. So, we thank You that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty our sins deserve. That He took the punishment until there was no punishment left to give. That He experienced Your wrath as He hung on the cross until there was no wrath remaining to pour out on Him.
We thank You that He has died for sins and that His death was sufficient. That it was once for all. His death worked. It did what it needed to do. It does not need to be repeated. It is for all time. And that there won’t need to be a sacrifice for sin ever again.
More than that, we thank You that His death was substitutionary. That the righteous One. Jesus who never did anything wrong. Who committed no sin. Who was innocent of every charge made against Him. Who was right with God. Who didn’t deserve to die. Died. That He suffers not for His own sins. But on behalf of us who are unrighteous. That in our place condemned, He stood. We thank You our Father, that You looked at Your Son on the cross and saw our sin and unleashed judgment on Him for it.
And we thank You that His death was successful. That it opens up the way to a relationship with You. That through faith in Him we are ransomed, healed, restored and forgiven; we are adopted as Your children, and are welcome to come into Your presence.
It truly is astonishing our Father, that through Your Son, You should do all this for us. Forgive us for not being more amazed by Your kindness and more thankful for what Your saving work. Forgive us for not showing our gratitude by being more obedient to Your Word and more zealous in our service. Forgive us for not encouraging one another to pay more careful attention to this good news and for not sharing it more with the lost who desperately need to hear it.
Holy Spirit make us more aware of the wonder of all Jesus is, and all that He has done for us and our salvation. And help us to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. In His Name we pray.