Powerpoint Pictures: 1966 World Cup winning England football team; Queen Elizabeth II; Crispen Blunt; Barrister in court; Children in school uniform

Who do the following people represent?  [1966 World Cup Winning Team represented England.  Queen Elizabeth II represents the UK and the Commonwealth; Crispin Blunt MP for Reigate and Banstead represents all the people living in Reigate and Banstead; Barrister represents the accused in court; Children in their school uniform represent the school they go to].

John the Baptist was getting people ready for Jesus’ arrival by telling people to repent (asking God to forgive them) and by being baptised (as a way of showing that they had).  What happens next is a bit of a surprise.

“Then Jesus came from Galilee to the Jordan to be baptised by John.” (Matthew 3:13)

Why did Jesus get baptised?  The reason He was baptised was to identify with and represent the people who He had come to save (the people who had asked God to forgive them and then baptised).  By being baptised Himself, Jesus was saying, “I’m representing you!”

God the Father said Jesus had done a good thing because after Jesus was baptised, a voice from heaven said: “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:17)

Jesus was obeying God by representing the people He came to save.

Getting baptised wasn’t the only way Jesus did this.

Find out what another way was next time!