Powerpoint Pictures: Guy Fawkes; Houses of Parliament; King James I; Bonfire

The following people were involved in one of the most famous events in the history of the UK: Robert Catesby, John Wright, Thomas Wintour, Thomas Percy, Robert Keyes, Thomas Bates, Robert Wintour, Christopher Wright, John Grant, Ambrose Rookwood, Sir Everard Digby and Francis Tresham.

Does anyone know what they did?

There was one name I missed out. Guy Fawkes. Do you know now what they did?

These men were all involved in the plot to blot up the Houses of Parliament. In fact, more specifically, they were involved in the plot to kill the king, James I. They wanted rid of him so that the next monarch, would be more sympathetic to their Roman Catholic beliefs.

But this plot to kill the king failed and we remember this every year on 5th November when we celebrate bonfire night.

After Jesus cleared the temple of the various sellers, the religious leaders who ran the temple, wanted rid of him.

Now we find them plotting. Plotting to the kill the King.

“Then the chief priests and the elders of the people assembled in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, and they plotted to arrest Jesus in some sly way and kill him.” (Matthew 26:3-4)

Guy Fawkes and his friends we know weren’t successful at killing the king – King James I.

But will the chief priests and the elders be successful at killing the king – King Jesus.

As the story continues we’ll see they get help from a surprising place.