Powerpoint Pictures: Selection of singers/bands; Sporting Event; Telephone; Someone giving directions; Interview scene; Teacher

What do you enjoy listening to? [Music of favourite singer; Commentary of a sporting event; Friend talk on the telephone]

When might you need to listen really carefully? [If someone was giving you directions; if you were being asked questions like in an interview; when your teacher is teaching]

After Jesus’ disciples acknowledged that Jesus is the Christ, God’s promised King and Saviour, they heard something they didn’t enjoy listening but needed to listen carefully to.

Jesus “began to teach them that the S0n of Man must suffer many things… be killed and after three days rise again.” (Mark 8:31).

However Jesus’ disciples did want to hear him talk about dying.  But they should!

So to tell the disciples they should listen carefully to what Jesus was saying, something happened which was a bit strange.

Jesus took 3 of them up a mountain and was transfigured.  His appearance changed, showing to them that He was the Christ and revealing His power and glory.  They also saw Him talking to Moses and Elijah, two men who died a long time ago about His death.

As the three disciples watched what was going on, God spoke from a cloud: “This is my Son, whom I love.  Listen to him!” (Mark 9:7)

Jesus’ disciples are told to listen to Him, especially that He was going to die.

But why did they need to listen carefully to what Jesus said about His death?