Big Words that end in SHUN! – Imputa-SHUN
Powerpoint Pictures: Hospital Waiting Room; Homeless Man; Runners; Person in Debt; Crying Child; Crowd of People
There are a number of big words that sum up what the Bible teaches about what God has done for us, and it turns out that these words end in SHUN!
What do the following people need:
People in hospital waiting room? [Patience; Help; Advice; Medicine]
Homeless man? [Love; Bed; Home]
Runners? [Water; Energy Drink]
Person in debt? [Money]
Crying child? [Hug]
Everyone in this world?
There is something that every single person in this world needs, and that is RIGHTEOUSNESS.
To have a relationship with God, to be His friends, for Him to accept us, and for us to live with Him in heaven, we need to be righteous or without sin.
The problem is that we are all unrighteous.
So how can God accept us? How can we live with God in heaven?
Imputa-SHUN! Jesus gives us His righteousness.
“For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous.” (Romans 5:19)
The Lord Jesus live a perfectly righteous sinless life. When He died on the cross He took upon Himself all our sin and unrighteousness and received the punishment we deserved. He also at the same time gave His righteousness to all who trust in Him.
This means that everyone who trusts in Jesus is accepted by God and can live with God forever in heaven.
How can God accept us? Imputa-SHUN! Jesus gives us His righteousness.