Big Words that end in SHUN! – Glorifica-SHUN
Powerpoint Pictures: Ugly Duckling, Beast from Beauty and the Beast; Blank Canvas; Caterpillar; Frog Spawn; Seed
There are a number of big words that sum up what the Bible teaches about what God has done for us, and it turns out that these words end in SHUN!
What do the following things become? Ugly Duckling becomes a beautiful swan. Beast becomes a handsome prince. Blank canvas becomes a piece of art. Caterpillar becomes a butterfly. Spawn becomes a frog. Seed becomes a tree.
All of these things go through a transformation. They change and become something impressive. They don’t stay the same. And this is true of Christians now (Sanctifica-SHUN! God makes us like His Son) and especially when Jesus returns.
What will happen to Christians when Jesus returns?
Glorifica-SHUN! Jesus gives Christians new bodies like His own.
Glorification tells us that one day the process of sanctification will be complete. When Jesus returns He will transform and change His people, giving them new resurrection bodies like His own.
Bodies that are fit to live with Jesus in heaven forever. This is the hope we have if we are trusting in Jesus to save us.
“Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed – in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.” (1 Corinthians 15:51-52)
Glorification! Jesus gives Christians new bodies like His own.