Powerpoint Pictures: Workmen at Buckingham Palace; Footmen; Dresser; Private Secretary; Guards at Buckingham Palace

Can you think of some of the different people who work for the Queen at Buckingham Palace?  [Workmen; Footmen; Dresser; Private Secretary; Guards etc].  In the next part of the story of Joseph we meet some of the staff that worked for Pharaoh, the king of Egypt.

After Joseph was sold to Potiphar, he found himself in trouble.  Potiphar’s wife accused him of doing something he didn’t do, and poor old Joseph ended up in prison.

It was while Joseph was in prison that he met two of Pharaoh’s staff – the chief cupbearer and the baker.  One night they both had strange dreamed which troubled them.  Joseph seeing their troubled looks the next day asked them to tell him the dreams, so with God’s help, he could tell them what they mean.

The cupbearer went first.  In his dream he saw a vine with three branches.  On each of the branches grew bunches of juicy grapes which the cupbearer picked, and then squeezed into Pharaoh’s cup.  Joseph said the meaning of the dream was that in three days time the cupbearer would be working again for Pharaoh.  When that happens, Joseph said, please remember me and help me get out of prison.

The baker was hoping for a similar meaning for his dream.  In his dream he was carrying three baskets full of bread when birds came down and started eating the food.  Joseph said that the meaning of his dream wasn’t so good.  In three days time the baker would be killed.

Three days later was Joseph said would happen, did happen.  The cupbearer was restored to his position, but the baker was killed.  Now when the cupbearer was released did he remember Joseph?

“The chief cupbearer, however, did not remember Joseph; he forgot him.” (Genesis 40:23)

Two years passed by and Joseph was still in prison.  Then one night Pharaoh woke up with a fright.  He had had a strange dream.  In his dream he was walking along the banks of the Nile when out came seven fat cows followed by seven thin cows.  The thin cows then gobbled up the fat cows.

When Pharaoh went back to sleep he had another dream.  This time seven thin ears of corn swallowed up seven fat healthy ears of corn.  Again he woke up with a fright.

He wanted to know what his dream meant, so he called for all his magicians and wise men but none of them could tell Pharaoh what his dream meant.  There was one man who with God’s help could, but would the cupbearer remember him?