Powerpoint Pictures: Invisible Man; Eyebrow; Superman Flying; Ear; Brain

Can anybody do the following?  [Be invisible, lick your eyebrow, fly like superman, smell your own ear, read my mind].  It was a bit unfair of me to ask whether you could do any of these things because they are all impossible to do.

In the true story of the Bible we’ve been looking at something that seems impossible to do.  God has promised Abraham that he would have a family as big as the number of stars in the sky.  He even changed his name so that it now meant ‘father of many’.  But the problem of Sarah being childless still remained.  Sarah couldn’t have children yet God promised she would.  It looked like a promise that was impossible to keep.

Abraham is now 99 years old.  One day he sees three men walking by – it was the Lord coming to remind Abraham of his promise with two of his angels – so he invites them in for a spot of dinner.

Over dinner God tells Abraham that in a years time, his wife Sarah will give birth to a son.  Sarah just happened to be earwigging at the time, and when she heard what was said she began laughing.  She thought that she was far too old to have a child.

But God reminded her of something.  “Is anything too hard for the Lord?  I will return to you at the appointed time next year and Sarah will have a son.” (Genesis 18:14)

The very next year, when Abraham was 100 years old, Sarah finally gave birth to the son God had promised.  They called him Isaac which means ‘to laugh’ because they laughed with joy at his birth.

God proved to Abraham that He was worth trusting.  God the promise maker is also the promise keeper.  But this was not the end of the story?  Would he be the one who would bring blessing to the whole world?  Is he the Saviour?