The Big Read – Exodus

Powerpoint Pictures: Walk; Car; Bus; Train; Scooter; Cycle

How will you get home from church today? [Walk; Scooter; Cycle; Car; Bus; Train]

The book of Exodus is all about how we get home.

Not getting home to our houses but to God.  The Bible says we were created to live with Him, but because of our sin we are far away from God.  So how do we get home to Him?

The book of Exodus tells us how.

At the beginning of the book of Exodus we find God’s people far away from God as slaves in Egypt.  By the end of the book, we find the Israelites out of Egypt and the Tabernacle, the place where God would dwell among them, in their midst.  They are at home with God.

How did that happen?

They were rescued, and that’s what we need to happen to us, for us to get home to God.

“They will know that I am the LORD their God, who brought them out of Egypt so that I might dwell among them.  I am the LORD their God.” (Exodus 29:46)

And the way Israel was rescued through the plagues, passover and Red Sea crossing points to the way the Lord Jesus will rescue us.  The Lord Jesus died in the place of sinners defeating all our enemies and will bring us safely through God’s judgment.

For us to get home to God, Exodus says, we need to be rescued and we have been by the Lord Jesus, who we must trust in.