Titus 3:1-2

v1: "Forgetfulness of duty is a common weakness," so we "need to be reminded and encouraged" to do what God requires of us. "Ministers are people's reminders of their duty. Just as in their prayers they are reminders on behalf of the people to God, so in their preaching they are reminders from God to the people." One duty required of us is to submit to the government over us when what they ask, "is lawful, honourable, and what they may legitimately require by virtue of their office."

v2: "Loose and uncharitable talk is displeasing to God and harmful among people." Therefore, "if no good can be spoken," then we should "say nothing rather than speak evil unnecessarily. We must never take pleasure in speaking ill of others," including "misrepresentations, insinuations of bad intentions," and "speaking of things outside our reach or understanding." We need to be reminded of this, so that by our behaviour we don't "displease and dishonour God and discredit Christianity."