
Both Timothy and Titus "were Paul's converts and his companions in work and suffering" with their work being "to water the churches planted by the apostles and set in order the things that were lacking in them." It is possible that this letter was written not "so much for Titus's own sake as for the people's," so that his endeavours "strengthened by apostolic advice and authority, would be more significant and effective among them."

Titus 1:1-2

v1: The aim of all preaching and teaching in the church should be "to produce faith and confirm believers in it."  We want people to believe in Jesus and to become like Him, and the means God uses to bring this about is the preaching of the gospel, which is why this must be central to the life of the church.

v2: God "cannot lie or deceive." This is a great comfort to believers because it gives them the certainty that their "faith and godliness" will "lead to eternal life" which God has promised.