Romans 9
v30-33: Salvation was made known to the Jews through the gospel but they did not accept this. Instead of depending on Christ, they sought justification by the works of the law, expecting to receive it "by observing the commands and ceremonies of the Law of Moses." The Gentiles have obtained righteousness by faith, "not by being converted to the Jewish religion and submitting to the ceremonial law, but by accepting Christ, believing in Christ, and submitting to the Gospel."
Romans 10
v1-11: Paul wishes that the Jews would be "saved from the wrath to come, eternal wrath, which is hanging over their heads." He passionately desired their salvation, hoping that with them God would not be willing that any should perish. His desires turn into prayer. Do ours for our friends and family? "There may be desires in the heart but no prayer, unless those desires are presented to God. Wishing and willing, if that is all our desires are, are not praying."
v12-21: The gospel is good news because it shows the way to salvation. The gospel is a word of reconciliation between God and humanity. The gospel is the most joyful news that ever came from heaven to earth. People need to hear it if they are going to be saved, because it produces and nourishes faith. "It is in no way strange, but it is very sad" to hear reports that the gospel is not being believed.